If you like upplay, you may help with the development and show your appreciation by following the links on the donations page
Source code
Current version (tar files):
Current version (tar files):
Here is a short document about building and installing.
Cutting edge: the Source repository is on framagit. You will also need the one for libupnpp and libnpupnp.
See the Windows page.
If upplay mostly works but its state does not update (e.g. no time progress), you probably need to allow incoming connections through the Windows Firewall (UPnP state update events need HTTP connections from the player to the control point) |
Apple MacOS
See here.
Linux Packages
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed
Packages here.
Ubuntu and Mint
Install from the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jean-francois-dockes/upnpp1
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install upplay
The upplay packages for the i386, amd64 and armhf (Raspberry Pi) architectures are hosted in the upmpdcli repository.
December 2020: updating the expired key. Because the format of the sources list file slightly changed to conform to newer Debian practises (using a signed-by attribute), you need both to import the repository keyring, and update your sources file. |
See here for how to add the repository to your system.
Then use the following to install upplay:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install upplay
External resources
A number of kind people are producing packages for other systems: - Arch Linux. - Gentoo.