| LastchangeParser (const string &input, std::unordered_map< string, string > &props) |
| inputRefXMLParser (const std::string &input) |
| ExpatXMLParser (size_t chunk_size) |
virtual bool | Parse (void) |
virtual bool | Ready (void) const |
virtual XML_Error | getLastError (void) const |
virtual XML_Status | getStatus (void) const |
virtual XML_Size | getLastErrorLine (void) const |
virtual XML_Size | getLastErrorColumn (void) const |
virtual std::string | getLastErrorMessage (void) const |
virtual void | StartElement (const XML_Char *name, const XML_Char **attrs) |
EXPATMM_SSIZE_T | read_block (void) |
const char * | getReadBuffer () |
virtual size_t | getBlockSize (void) |
virtual XML_Char * | getBuffer (void) |
virtual void | setReadiness (bool ready) |
virtual void | setStatus (XML_Status new_status) |
virtual void | setLastError (XML_Error new_last_error) |
virtual void | EndElement (const XML_Char *) |
virtual void | CharacterData (const XML_Char *, int) |
virtual void | ProcessingInstruction (const XML_Char *, const XML_Char *) |
virtual void | CommentData (const XML_Char *) |
virtual void | DefaultHandler (const XML_Char *, int) |
virtual void | CDataStart (void) |
virtual void | CDataEnd (void) |
const std::string & | m_input |
std::vector< StackEl > | m_path |
XML_Parser | expat_parser |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- /home/dockes/projets/mpdupnp/libupnpp/libupnpp/control/avlastchg.cxx