Pastim writes
A couple of possible improvements:
I find the volume control rather brutal. I’m not sure if ithis is down to the control point, server, or even renderer, but it certainly doesn’t have a gradual effect on my system. Is this true of other systems?
The total time of the currently selected playlist would be quite useful.
medoc92 writes
I found a relatively minor issue with the way the volume was computed, and I fixed it (this could make the GUI control bounce back after a volume change). I don’t think that this could have resulted in brutal volume changes though. This would depend on the renderer I think. I have enabled a debug message in the volume control path. It may be interesting to look at the lines with "RenderingControl::setVolume" to see what actually goes to the renderer. You will need to update the whole suite, as usual.
I am not sure what you mean by "currently selected playlist" ? The total time of the play queue is displayed just over it as far as I can see? Maybe there is a qt-version-dependant bug. I am attaching a screenshot of what I see. 
Pastim writes
I’ll try the volume change later. Forgive my stupidity, but which log am I looking for, and where?
As for the total playlist time, I’m blind - sorry. It was in front of my eyes and I couldn’t see it :(
medoc92 writes
It’s just the stderr output, the stuff which gets printed when you start upplay from a terminal. You can redirect it to a file in the following way: upplay > /tmp/thisfilewillbeclobbered.txt 2 >&1
Pastim writes
I’ve always upplay from the gui, so didn’t even think of running it as a command. Doh!
Pastim writes
That’s fine. I’ll close this comment if that’s OK.